DocTalks launches calls for presentations twice a year (in June and in December, for the Autumn and Spring seasons respectively). We are happy to receive proposals for presentations or sessions all year long.
We welcome work situated in architectural history and theory and related disciplines. We accept proposals from PhD students, postdocs, and early career researchers at all stages (from those who just started to those about to finish).
We strongly encourage presentations of work in progress as well as polished dissertation extracts. A presentation should take no more than 20 minutes, and can be as broad or as specific as the presenter wishes: from a summary of your entire dissertation, to a particular chapter or even a case-study, archival find, or historiographic debate.
We also welcome proposals for sessions where a host can bring together two presentations on a particular theme of their choice.
If you would like to present a paper at DocTalks, please send us a title and an abstract (no more than 300 words), along with a short bio (200 words).
If you would like to organize a DocTalks session send us a title/theme, along with the bios of two speakers, and their titles & abstracts (see above).
Please send your proposals to
Interested in being
a respondent for DocTalks?
Please send us your name, affiliation,
and five keywords on your research/expertise to