14 December 2021

The American Pictures of
the “Shrimps’ Vanguard”.

Filippo Cattapan
Bergische Universität Wuppertal/TACK network

Respondent: Léa-Catherine Szacka
(University of Manchester/gta, ETH Zurich)

7 December 2021

Prescribed Modernity:  “Health, Hygiene and Architecture in Early Republican Turkey (1923-1950)”

Cansu Degirmencioglu
Technical University of Munich

Respondent: Lydia Xynogala (ETH Zurich)


Relic Steel: Distributed Memorialisation, Dispersed Remebrance 

Samuel Holleran
University of Melbourne

Respondent: Fabrizio Ballabio
(University of York/Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio)

30 November 2021

On Marvels and Stones:
Architectural Dreams and Virtuality in Late Eighteenth-Century France

Demetra Vogiatzaki
Harvard University

Respondent: Emma Letizia Jones (Hong Kong University)


Botany of Red:
The Original Crimson Carpet of the West Asian Plains 

Lara Mehling

Respondent: Damla Göre (ETH/gta)

23 November 2021

CERN: From Precision Architecture to Precision Territory, 1952–2018

Nils Havelka
gta, ETH Zurich

Respondent: Andreas Kalpakci (gta, ETH Zurich)


Two or Three Projects I Know
on Cooperative Living

Stéphanie Savio

Respondent: Nitin Bathla (ETH Zurich)

16 November 2021

Becoming Evident: Material forms of knowing

Anna Livia Vørsel
KTH/TACK network

Respondent: Maryia Rusak (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design)


Exploring the Infra-thin: Design-led Research in XR

Paula Strunden
ABKW/TACK network

Respondent: Adam Jasper (gta, ETH Zurich)

14 November 2021

Towards a global approach on displaced villages

Moussa Belkacem
École d’archietcture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est

Respondent: Rune Frandsen (LUS, ETH Zürich) 


The Construction of Imagination

Mariabruna Fabrizi
SOCKS & École d’archietcture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est

Respondent: Merve Cigdem Talu (McGill University, Montreal)

2 November 2021 

Catholicism and Historicism: The Lost Chapels of the ‘Collegio Irlandese’ and the ‘Collegio Teutonico’ in Rome

Jasper Van Parys
a, ETH Zurich / Swiss Institute in Rome

Erin Giffin (I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies)

Nora Guggenbühler (University of Zurich)


‘Il nostro programma’: Architettura and the Union of Fascist Architects’ Quest for Power

Ilyas Azouzi
University College London / Swiss Institute in Rome

Respondent: Silvia Balzan (University of Basel)

19 October 2021

Narratives of Sustainable Architecture: The German Forest as a Contested Territory

Claudia Nitsche
The Architectural Association

Respondent: Johanna Just (LUS, ETH Zurich)


Minsk: Neoliberal Shift in the Model Socialist City

Dasha Kuletskaya
RWTH Aachen / ETH Zurich, gta

Respondent: Marija Maric (Université du Luxembourg)

12 October 2021

The Inhabited Envelope, or the Past of Erosion. Enrico Tedeschi Architect-Educator-Enterpreneur and the Learning Environment of Universidad Libre De Mendoza (1960-96)

Marco Moro
University of Cagliari

Respondent:  Alessandro Benetti (Politecnico di Milano, Rennes 2)


Fuck the Context: Understanding the Idea of Polis through Commoning

Mathilde Redouté 
AA School of Architecture

Respondent: Nicole de Lalouviere (LUS, ETH)

5 October 2021

Sunny Beach: “If You Can’t Take the Kitsch, Get Out of the Kitchen”

Aneta Vasileva
UACEG – Sofia

Respondent: Michal Murawski (University College London)


The Time Things Went Awry: Following Stone in Contemporary Architecture

Natalia Petkova

ENSA Paris-Malaquais

Respondent: Adam Przywara (The University of Manchester)

21 September 2021

Renaissance Dreamgirl: Excavating Polia From the Fragmented Landscape of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499)

Zoë Cope
McGill University

Respondent: Cara Rachele (ETH Zurich)


“Ada Louise Huxtable, Special to the New York Times.” Reporting on Architecture for Leisure From the East, 1965-1969

Valeria Casali
Politecnico di Torino

Respondent: Damjan Kokalevski (TU Munich)

22 June 2021

Minsk - Neoliberal Shift in the Model Socialist City: Architecture and the Value of Housing

Dasha Kuletskaya
RWTH Aachen

8 June 2021

The History of Theory:
The Reception of Venturi and Scott Brown at ETH Zurich 1968–1975

Frida Grahn
Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio


A “Golden Age” of the Debate.
Criticism of Territorial Transformations on the Threshold Between High and Popular Culture

Alessandro Benetti
Université Rennes 2 – Politecnico di Milano

11 May 2021

Ephemeral Monuments, the Modern French State,
and the Parisian Public, 1789-1848

Taylor Van Doorne
University of California, Santa Barbara

5 May 2021

The House of the "Good Man":
Masculinity and Domesticity in São Paulo (1870-1920)

Pedro Beresin Schleder Ferreira
FAU, University of São Paulo


Design at the Impasse:
São Paulo Architecture for the 1964 Military Dictatorship

Victor Próspero
FAU, University of São Paulo

27 April 2021

Extractive Ecologies: An Earthly Writing of Space
Collaborative Adventures in Constructed Landscapes of the Upper Rhine Plain

Johanna Just
ETH Zurich, LUS


Unframed Edges. Remounting Old Master Paintings in Italian Modernism

Flavia Crisciotti
TU München

20 April 2021

West Berlin Merxist Architecture Groups at the turn of the 1970s

Alessandro Toti
The Bartlett School of Architecture, London


Giving Form to the Void. Brasilian Modern Architecture and the Archetype of the Cover

Davide Sacconi
Architectural Association, London

13 April 2021

Dividing and Representing Land: The Grid in Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Mexico

Lola Lozano
Architectural Association, London


The Freelancer: Centralization and Individuation of Artistic Work in Paris, 1608–1805

Elena Palacios Carral 
Architectural Association, London

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